Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Check out these products @ http://www.entwinecouture.com I just ordered some..I am still trying to find out what works on my hair once I do..those products will be all I will use..this is the hard part!! What works for you..comment below and join my blog!!! >Quick tips for a smooth transition: ♥ Use sulfate-free shampoos when shampooing ♥ Detangle from ends to roots. ♥ Minimal styling to prevent breakage. ♥ Do not flat iron or press the hair to match textures. ♥ Deep condition every other week especially right after a shampoo. ♥ Keep the hair moisturized with a water based product. ♥ Do not use products with petroleum or mineral oil as the first ingredient....-Entwine Naturalle Couture Also some tips as I no longer eat red meat and I am starting the Shred: The Revolutionary Diet: 6 Weeks 4 Inches 2 Sizes..by Dr. Ian Smith..so I have cut all red meat from my diet..and let me know what you are doing to be more healthy..as always PEACE, LOVE AND HAIR GREASE..